Sponsor Network Charlotte
Business Networking Events
and Grow Your Business!
- Become a Leader and Grow your Community!
- Promote Opportunities and Connections!
- Grow Your Network and Your Net Worth!

Network Charlotte was founded in 2009 with the goal of building mutually beneficial relationships through networking. The purpose is to promote networking opportunities to anyone with business interests or connections to Charlotte, North Carolina. We are the largest membership-based organization in the Carolinas with a presence on Linkedin and our 62,000+ members/followers have joined through various platforms with the same goal to build better connections.
Our Members
In LinkedIn
In Twitter
Businesses Represented
"I’m so glad I was able to attend and connect with so many last night. (I was also happy to connect with fellow veterans!) I didn’t get a chance to meet everyone, so I’m definitely looking forward to the next event!"

"Thanks for putting this event together, made some great connections!"

"Great event last night, looking forward to the next and appreciate you all putting it together!"

"Cheers to Sai Ogranaja, Michael Canipe, and Delaney Besecker for organizing a great night. Lots of great conversations, plenty of laughs, and a cool space to meet new people. Looking forward to the next one!!!"

"Had a great time!!!"

"Great event! I'm looking forward to the next one."

"Was a great event. Was a pleasure meeting some sharp professional in different industries and careers. Loved the atmosphere and association. In the video I'm the tall guy on the right in the blue. If you were there and we didn't connect, feel free to reach out. Would love to Connect!!"

"Sai Ogranaja and David Cauble Wonderful job with this

"Very nice event! Looking forward to the next one!"

"Great event with great people! Glad I got the opportunity to network and be around other professionals in the Charlotte area."

"What an awesome event! Thank you for your hospitality. Looking forward to attending more of these in the future."

"I met a lot of great people - thanks for putting this
together, Sai!"

"Great meeting tonight. Heard some exceptional stories,
and met so many interesting people."

"Enjoyed meeting so many new-to-me folks and familiar faces too. l always enjoy the coffee mornings and the evening mixers with #networkcharlotte!"

"Network Charlotte events are well established and run well. Top notch!"

"Great meeting!"

"Such a great time!"

The benefits of Sponsoring Network Charlotte

Showcase Table with your materials for display

Branded as Sponsor on your profile

Network Charlotte Membership included

Physical nametag and a digital business card

Included in all media as sponsor of the Event

Access to Affiliate Discount Program
Unlock the Power of 62,000+ Business Professionals in Charlotte
Become a Sponsor
Sustaining Sponsor
6 Month Commitment
Will be featured during our “Sponsor Spotlight” moment, at the event
Can present marketing materials at our networking events
Recommended posts on LinkedIn
Why Become A Sponsor?
Network Charlotte is the largest networking group exclusively for the Charlotte community. We host a variety of events and have great visibility with our members. Becoming a sponsor helps you to engage at an intimate level with our membership in unique ways to highlight your business.
- Marketing Materials at our face to face and live networking events*
- Weekly recommended posts in Network Charlotte and Affiliated groups*
- Facebook group and page announcements
- Cross-referenced posts with links on Twitter, Instagram and Alignable
- All communication related to upcoming events
- Newsletter to approximately 5,000+ opt-in members
- Placement on banner ads on networkcharlotte.com
What we expect of you
- Sponsor members are committed to the success of the group and furthering connections within the Charlotte community. As a member your team must be committed to attend any event that your company is a sponsor of. You will have a display table there setup with information about your company.
- If you market products or services locally, you must offer a small incentive or discount available only to Network Charlotte members. This will be promoted on your business listing that you will co-create with our team.
- Financial Commitment for Sponsorship is $2400 for an initial 6 month commitment to the group – paid in full. After the initial 6 month period there is no obligation to renew, and you may continue on a month to month basis, after the initial 6 months is completed. There are no refunds or returns given.